Hello, we are Túlio and Matheus.
Túlio is twelve years old and Matheus is eleven years old. We are from Brazil and we study at Number One Itabira. Túlio is in the 6th grade and Matheus is in the 5th grade Túlio doesn’t take any extra courses but Matheus plays soccer.
In the morning we go to school. In the afternoon Túlio watches TV and Matheus play Video Games. At night, we sleep. We like to listen to music, we like rock and roll. Matheus's favorite bands are Guns`s´Rosers and Red Hot Chilly Peppers; Túlio doesn’t have a favorite band Matheus's favorite song is “Californication”, Túlio favorite song is “Hotel California”.
There are are four people in our family. We have one brother. Matheus´s mother is a businesswoman. Her hair is black. Matheus`s father is businessman, hisr hair is black. Tulio's mother is a maneger, and her hair is black. His father is tall and he doesn’t have much hair, he is a technitian. Túlio visits his relatives on the weekends and Matheus play soccer with his friends. We have many friends, Túlio doesn’t have a best friend, but Matheus's best friends are Lucas, Hadilson, Gabriel, Pedro and Matheus.
Túlio is twelve years old and Matheus is eleven years old. We are from Brazil and we study at Number One Itabira. Túlio is in the 6th grade and Matheus is in the 5th grade Túlio doesn’t take any extra courses but Matheus plays soccer.
In the morning we go to school. In the afternoon Túlio watches TV and Matheus play Video Games. At night, we sleep.
There are are four people in our family. We have one brother. Matheus´s mother is a businesswoman. Her hair is black. Matheus`s father is businessman, hisr hair is black. Tulio's mother is a maneger, and her hair is black. His father is tall and he doesn’t have much hair, he is a technitian. Túlio visits his relatives on the weekends and Matheus play soccer with his friends. We have many friends, Túlio doesn’t have a best friend, but Matheus's best friends are Lucas, Hadilson, Gabriel, Pedro and Matheus.
Túlio goes to Bh or goes to his farm on the weekends and Matheus plays soccer with this friends and rides a bike. We go to school and study the morning. Túlio has two dogs. Their names are Fofinho and Jade. Matheus wouldn’t like to have a pet.
Túlio doesn’t know what he wants to be in the future but Matheus wants to be a soccer player . Túlio doesnn’t have plans for this semesters. Matheus wants to travel toSão Paulo and BH.

Túlio doesn’t know what he wants to be in the future but Matheus wants to be a soccer player . Túlio doesnn’t have plans for this semesters. Matheus wants to travel to
Tulio wants to have a lot of money in the future and Matheus wants to be a famous soccer player. Túlio doesn’t want to be an exchange student but Matheus does. Túlio would like to travel to the U.S.A. We would like to get married. We wuld like to have 2 children.
Our city is Itabira.
Itabira is bealtiful, very good and small
There are 370.865 inhabitants.
There are not many torists in our city but if they come, they can go to Memorial and Love peak. There are nice places in Itabira. Cinemax tia Eliana, Salada, Romana, Calavine, Labinho, Voleyburguer, Sanduixin Sanduixao and Bretas. They are nice places for teens to go.
Tulio usually travels to Nova Vicosa and Matheus usually travels to the beach on their vacation. Tulio goes to Nova Vicosa by car and Matheus goes to the beach by plane.
Nova Vicosa is very bealtiful ! Matheus thinks São Paulo is bealtiful too. Both cities have many tourists. Tulio is going to Nova Vicosa on his vacation and Matheus is visiting his aunt and his uncle.
Tulio doesn`t know if he is going to Nova Vicosa this vacation but Matheus is going to São Paulo.
Tulio can play volleyball. We can play basketball and Matheus can play soccer very well.We can play them at home, at school and at clubs; Tulio cannot play any instrument and Matheus can play the guitar and the eletric guitar. Matheus doesn`t have any special skill.

Itabira is bealtiful, very good and small
There are 370.865 inhabitants.
There are not many torists in our city but if they come, they can go to Memorial and Love peak. There are nice places in Itabira. Cinemax tia Eliana, Salada, Romana, Calavine, Labinho, Voleyburguer, Sanduixin Sanduixao and Bretas. They are nice places for teens to go.
Matheus can visit new York
Tulio can visit the USA because it's beautiful. Matheus can visit the USA because his relatives live in the USA.
Tulio can visit the USA because it's beautiful. Matheus can visit the USA because his relatives live in the USA.
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